Sunday, November 05, 2017

Altus - Winter Embrace (15th Anniversary Edition)
Winter Embrace
15th Anniversary Edition

For many people, winter isn’t an enjoyable time of year. Even I have a love/hate relationship with the season, but when the snow is falling and everything is quiet, it slows the world down to my preferred state. That’s what I’ve been trying to capture in the music over all these years.

I’ve explored other aspects of winter, such as in the sombre Black Trees Among Amber Skies (2010), as well as recapturing the magic of the original Winter Embrace in The Sidereal Cycle 3 (2012). But I’ve been told by many long time listeners that the original holds a special place in their heart and mind.

Discover the story and creation of Winter Embrace

What I'm offering now is the definitive version of Winter Embrace. Aside from the twinkling bells that permeate the recording, everything you hear has been meticulously rebuilt from the ground up, treated with the utmost respect in terms of keeping the mood intact. To be clear, changes have been made, but if you were to compare, I think you’d agree this version is a vast improvement.
Factory-pressed CD in glossy 4-panel digipak now available!

Free MP3 download will be available on December 21, 2017.
A reminder email with a link will be sent at that time.